Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why am I doing this?

Going into college everyone hears about how "you'll be living off ramen" or "you'll starve to death."
I didn't want to settle for that, I knew that there were cheap ways to eat that don't involve only eating ramen, a college student can make delicious meals and stay low-cost. Not only low-cost in terms of ingredients, but also low-cost in terms of equipment: I won't be using a $500 omelette pan.
The purpose of this blog is for me to share the meals I make on a daily basis, their price, and a basic way of how to make them. Whether you're a college student who wants to stop eating ramen 24/7 or just some random person wondering how college students eat, I feel it will be a great resource for
I'm not Bobby Flay, nothing I make will be super complex, but it will be easy and it will taste good. I hope you enjoy a look into my College Culinary Creations.

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